Colleague Communications
Modernize Your Resume Contest — Enter Now!
November 14, 2019 • Louise Kursmark
Resume writers! We'd love to feature your latest, greatest modern resume on our "Contest Winners" page and showcase the exceptional work you are doing for your clients. Contest deadline is December 9, 2019, and the winner will be announced by the end of the year. You'll find submission guidelines and full details here. And be sure to check out past winners here ... you'll see resumes for job seekers in different professions, at different levels, using a wide variety of formats and designs to highlight exceptional content. Note that the modern resume is not necessarily colorful and highly designed (though it can be). It does...
Modernize Your Resume—2nd Edition
June 03, 2019 • Louise Kursmark
We are so pleased to share that our best-selling book, MODERNIZE YOUR RESUME, is now available in a completely updated and expanded 2nd edition. In the 3 years since original publication, we've seen a few things change but much remain the same in the world of resume writing and job search—and we expound on those things in this latest version of the book. What's New? Resumes for Challenging Circumstances. We devote an entirely new section (3 chapters) to the special challenges faced by people changing careers, transitioning from the military, and returning to work after an extended absence. Yes, you can write...
CALL FOR RESUMES: Expert Resumes & LinkedIn Profiles for Managers & Executives
May 08, 2019 • Louise Kursmark
We are delighted to announce that we are writing the 4th edition of one of our best-selling resume books ... and we invite you to submit your very best work for publication in: EXPERT RESUMES & LINKEDIN PROFILES FOR MANAGERS & EXECUTIVES (4th Edition) Deadline: Friday, May 31, 2019 All submissions that are selected for publication include the name and contact information for the contributing writer. It's a great way to build your visibility, strengthen your brand, and capture new clients! SUBMISSION INSTRUCTIONS You can submit up to 10 resumes and/or LI samples for consideration. You can submit just resumes, just LI profiles, or resumes...
March 04, 2018 • Wendy Enelow
We created the Modernize Your Resume Contest to showcase the very best work of professional resume writers worldwide. We want to see how you’ve incorporated modern principles into the resumes that you create. In our book, Modernize Your Resume: Get Noticed … Get Hired, we shared 18 key principles for how to modernize resume writing, format, and design. To be considered for the contest, you must incorporate as many of these principles as appropriate for the particular resume that you’re submitting. For a listing of all 18 resume principles, see below. There will be only 1 winner for each contest. However, contests...
Modernize Your Job Search Letters: 4 Important Trends
February 21, 2017 • Louise Kursmark
To get your letter-writing efforts off to a great start, I have culled these trends from MODERNIZE YOUR JOB SEARCH LETTERS: Get Noticed ... Get Hired. TREND 1: Cover Letters Become Shorter (But No Less Important) Recently I reviewed a cover letter that was a full page-and-a-half of densely written text. The information was great! But, realistically, very few people will take the time to read it. Remember—potential employers don’t yet care about you. At this first stage of the process, they’re searching for reasons to put you in the “yes,” “no,” or “maybe” pile. Don’t turn them off with...