Resume writers! We'd love to feature your latest, greatest modern resume on our "Contest Winners" page and showcase the exceptional work you are doing for your clients.
Contest deadline is December 9, 2019, and the winner will be announced by the end of the year.
You'll find submission guidelines and full details here.
And be sure to check out past winners here ... you'll see resumes for job seekers in different professions, at different levels, using a wide variety of formats and designs to highlight exceptional content.
Note that the modern resume is not necessarily colorful and highly designed (though it can be). It does not follow a prescribed format. It certainly doesn't fall back on trite phrasing and tired designs. What it does—what it must to—is paint the picture of a candidate's skills, experience, talents, and value in a way that is easy to skim, quick to absorb, and sharply focused to align with current career goals. We think you'll enjoy seeing our contest winners! (Nearly 100 additional examples are featured in our book, Modernize Your Resume, now in its 2nd edition.)