
Resume writers and career professionals! We love to publish your work and give you the chance to share your expertise (and build your visibility). You'll find all the latest opportunities on this page.


  • Modernize Your Resume, 4th edition—anticipated late 2025
  • Resume and LinkedIn Strategies for New College Graduates, 2nd edition—anticipated early 2026

While we always put out a "call for resumes" when we begin to write, there's no need to wait. You can send us your best, most creative, most interesting, and most effective resumes at any time. We will keep everything on file and consider all of the entries as our writing/updating process begins.


  • Be certain you are following all of our 12 Modernize Principles. You can review them here.
  • MOVE DATES FORWARD. Imagine that you are writing the resume in the year of anticipated publication and adjust all dates accordingly.
  • FICTIONALIZE ALL CONTENT— names and contact info, company names, and any details that reveal too much personal or unique information about your client. Use REAL-SOUNDING names and accurate AREA CODES and ZIP CODES. (E.g., if you relocate your client from Des Moines to Boston for fictionalizing purposes, look up the correct codes for the new city. And don't use obviously generic terms such as Anytown or names of famous people.)
  • TIGHTEN AND ENLARGE. Because resumes are slightly reduced in size when printed, we strongly recommend that you bump up the font size by 1/2 or 1 point. And often you can delete a few lines of text that, while valid to include originally, are not crucial to the effectiveness of this resume for publication. Feel free to edit your work so that it will look great when printed.
  • CONSIDER COLOR. We love beautiful colors, but the book is printed in black-and-white. It's fine to leave colors as you created them, but before submitting print your resume in black-and-white to be certain that nothing appears dim, faded, or unclear.


  • Send EACH submission in a SEPARATE email. 
  • In the body of your email, include a BRIEF (1–3 sentences) statement to explain your strategy and any unusual circumstances that help explain why you wrote/designed the resume the way that you did.
  • Below your explanation, include your contact/credit details as follows:
    Firstname Lastname, Credentials
    Company Name, Company URL
  • Attach the resume as a WORD document.
  • Email to BOTH Louise@LouiseKursmark.com and Wendy@WendyEnelow.com.

Feel free to email Louise at any time if you have questions about a submission or about our process. We look forward to reviewing your outstanding work!