Modernize Your Executive Job Search

Modernize Your Executive Job Search: Get Noticed … Get Hired is a clear and concrete guide to help senior executives advance to their next opportunity. The book begins with a 4-week accelerated job search plan comprising actionable steps that are rated according to ROI (return on investment) and provide an easy-to-follow blueprint for getting maximum results in minimum time. Later sections provide to-the-point advice and examples for writing powerful executive resumes, LinkedIn profiles, and other career documents.
A key section of the book contains more than a dozen case studies of successful executive job searches—along with the documents that the executives used to move on and move up in their careers. In addition to samples written by the authors, the book features contributions from a select group of credentialed, experienced writers who specialize in working with senior executives.
Modernize Your Executive Job Search: Get Noticed … Get Hired is sharply focused and to the point. It tells executive job seekers everything they need to know and do to land a top position.
COMPANION PODCASTS: Modernize Your Executive Job Search. Propel your search with more insider techniques and real-life anecdotes and examples from authors Louise Kursmark and Jan Melnik.
MODERNIZE YOUR CAREER SERIES—Companion Books: Modernize Your Resume (3rd Edition), Modernize Your Job Search Letters, and Resume & LinkedIn Strategies for New College Graduates, also available from Emerald Career Publishing, are the definitive resources for creating modern, powerful, effective career marketing documents.
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